
Christian Dating Profile

  1. Christian Dating Profile Bio Examples
  2. Christian Dating Profile Example For Women

The Lord comes first in my life. I'm looking for a God fearing man, one who puts Jesus first. I want to worship, pray and read the Bible with my better half. Keep Your Personal Description Short And Sweet. In a 140-character tweet-obsessed society, no. Profiles with photos are viewed 10 times more than those without. Christian Dating App Uk Christian Dating Indonesia Christian Mingle Australia Christian Singles. Dec 30, 2016 Writing your online dating profile is the first and most important step when using online Christian Dating Services. However, while almost all the top internet Christian matchmaking services offer free trial memberships where you can post an online dating profile, very few offer dating profile writing tips. The purpose of this article is to gve you some practical steps toward writing a.

Christian Mingle is a unique online dating experience because most users are marriage-minded. This can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming.

The following tips include everything you need to know to set yourself up for success on Christian Mingle.

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#1 Learn from Christian Mingle Profile Examples

Sample dating profiles for women

Christian Mingle profiles include 6 questions, though you don’t have to answer them all. Feel free to take ideas from the following examples.

Who am I and what am I looking for?

“I’ve got a life that I love. The only thing that’s missing is that one person God has in store for me and, hopefully, a family one day.”

“I’m a teacher and, for fun, I like to collect antiques, hike with my dog, read mystery, and cozy up with Netflix. I’m deeply interested in history. I would love to find someone to stroll through museums with.”

“I love my job and also love to paint, craft, and be creative in my spare time — and to make things for people I love. I believe in old-fashioned family values and don’t drink, but I still know how to have a good time. 🙂 Looking for the same.”

What good things have past relationships taught me?

“Past relationships taught me the importance of communicating my thoughts and feelings.”

Christian Dating Profile Bio Examples

ChristianChristian Dating Profile

“I’ve learned to be more patient and compassionate and a better listener.”

“I’ve learned about compatibility, teamwork, and what I need in a partner.”

To me, being a Christian means:

“Living my life for Christ.”

“Being obedient to Biblical truth.”

“Being called to be a light in the darkness.”

How long have you been a Christian?

“I was raised in a Christian home and have had a relationship with Christ for most of my life.”

“I came back to the church 5 years ago.”

“I first found the Lord in my late teens/early twenties.”

What will I do and accomplish in the next five years?

“Continue to work hard and live well to the best of my ability.”

“I will have completed my Master’s degree by then and secured work in my new field. I’ll be working on newer and bigger dreams.”

“Learn and improve. I intend on being a much better man then, and better yet 5 years after that.”

My favorite Bible passage and why:

“Jeremiah 29:11 strengthens me and reminds me that God takes care of those who love Him.”

“Philippians 4:6 always reminds me to give my problems to God.”

“Philippians 4:13 inspires and uplifts me during hard times.”


“Proverbs 3:5-6 gives me peace about the future.”

#2 Start Conversations the Right Way

The most effective first messages end in a specific question. (More specific than “how are you?”) Specific questions make for easy, flowing conversation.



Hi [NAME], glad to be connected. 🙂 Do you like being a [OCCUPATION]?

Hi [NAME], glad to be connected. 🙂 What do you like to do for fun?

I hear you on [SOMETHING FROM PROFILE]. I feel the same way. How long have you lived in [TOWN]?

#3 Transition Quickly from Messaging to Dates


You: I hear you on 1 Corinthians. I find myself always going back to it. How long have you lived in Irving?
Her/Him: Hi! Yes, it’s soul-quenching. Um, about 5 years now. Originally moved for work. You?
You: I’ve lived here most of my life except for college. So you’re a nurse? Do you like it?
Her/Him: I am. I do. It’s tiring. Makes it hard to meet people when you work strange hours. Do you like accounting?
You: Yeah I can see that. Important job though! I’ve always had a knack for numbers so it’s pretty satisfying work. Not wildly exciting, but that’s what weekends are for in my book. 🙂
You: Hey would you be down to grab coffee sometime?
Her/Him: Yeah sure. 🙂
You: Are you free at all next week — maybe Wednesday?
Her/Him: Yeah I can do Wednesday night after 5:30
You: Cool. How about CoffeeTown? Is 5:30 good or should we make it 6?
Her/Him: 6 works for me!
You: Great. See you then!
Her/Him: Looking forward to it! 🙂
[End of conversation]

#4 Test Profile Photos on Photofeeler to Pick Your Best

Your profile pictures color the tone of every word on your profile and every message you send.

And too many people unknowingly choose pics that are unflattering.

Christian Dating Profile Example For Women

To be sure you’re not killing your chances with bad pictures, test yours on Photofeeler.

Go to Photofeeler.com now and give it a try!