
Church Of Christ Dating Website

  1. Church of Christ Singles Mingle.com is a social-networking and dating community created exclusively for single members, ages 18 to 65 and over, of the churches of Christ worldwide. Apostle Paul had warned, 'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath.
  2. Church of Christ Singles site that allows you to meet and chat with other single members of the church from all over the world! Online dating and personals at ChurchofChristSingles.com.
  3. Dear Jim, Please add al960 and photob to your list of couples who met via your churchofchristsingles.com and got married. Elizabeth and I began comunicating with one another last December 2014 and were married March 26th, 2015.
  4. Welcome to ChristianCafe.com, a Christian dating site that has been successfully connecting Christian singles since 1999. Over 25,000 marriages have resulted! We've featured over 3,000 testimonials of our happy couples on how they met on ChristianCafe.com and now live a Christ-centered marriage.

Church of Christ Singles Mingle.com is a social-networking and dating community created exclusively for single members, ages 18 to 65 and over, of the churches of Christ worldwide.

Mutual - Dating for Members of the Church of Jesus Christ. The services offered by Mutual LLC are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the services offered by Mutual LLC are solely those of.

Apostle Paul had warned, 'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14) We are the ideal community for single men and women of the Lord’s body to connect and fellowship with other Christians that share the same Faith, Beliefs and Values for friendship, dating and marriage.

We may be single but we are never alone at Church of Christ Singles Mingle.com! Find old friends, make new ones, play fun games, upload music/videos, chat, post singles events, blog, add your prayer requests and, if you're interested in dating, you may search profiles and receive weekly match suggestions of members which share your similar interests. Maybe you're looking for a recreational partner(s) or mentor, you may just find them here. Check out “Christian Dating and Marriage Advice”, by a highly qualified and respected brother, which may help you in your online dating experience and beyond when you decide to take it offline.

Church of Christ Singles Mingle.com takes your online social-networking and dating experience very serious, with your safety and security top priority; we guard your personal information and take precaution to guard you against negative behavior such as profanity and inappropriate material. While we may not be able to catch every incident, we will investigate all reports of misuse by our members and address them accordingly.

There are two membership types offered, 'Free' and 'VIP.' Free membership is 'limited' but members may create a profile and apply their 'User Credits' towards various applications. Free members may search profiles of other members and upload photos and videos. VIP membership is 'unlimited' to IM's, emails, blogs/forums, posting of events, dating tools and more. A member may upgrade to VIP status for a very minimal fee of $12 a month, of which goes towards maintaining this site and the work of the Lord. To upgrade 'click' the subscribe icon on your profile page.

All members are awarded “User Credits' for the following:
new user registration 5 credits
daily login 2 credits
user's birthday 5 credits
uploading (your) photo 5 creditsChurch Of Christ Dating Website

Church Of Christ Singles Cruise

answering polls 2 credits

I have frequently been asked by single Christians how they can find other Christians. My first answer is that if you are looking for someone to marry, pray to the Lord about your needs. But even in prayer God tells us that we must put effort into our lives. He tells us to pray for our daily food (Luke 11:3), but he also tells us that if a person is unwilling to work, he shouldn't eat (II Thessalonians 3:10). Men must do what they can, and God will take care of what they cannot do. Therefore, my second response is to go events sponsored by churches and members of the church. There you are going to find people will similar values to your own.

Still, Christians are widely spread through the world. At times you will not find someone close to home. There are services available to single Christians that allow you to correspond with other Christians. They can be useful and I know several Christians who have met their spouse in this fashion. I must repeat the often said warning: There are frauds out there and the Internet makes it very easy to pretend to be someone you are not. Do your research! Check out the congregation they claim to attend. Talk to the elders or the preacher at that congregation. Make sure you are dealing with a genuine Christian.

Church Of Christ Dating Site For Seniors

Brethren OnLine: Young Singles: A discussion group for members of conservative churches of Christ (non-institutional) in the 17 to 29 age bracket.

Church of Christ Singles: Though its title claims it is for members of the church of Christ, the reality is that there are non-members on this site. Nor is it discriminating between the types of churches (institutional, non-institutional, one-cup, etc.). However, they do accept people of all ages. There is a charge to communicate with other members of this site.

Church Of Christ Dating Website

Remember that even though the Internet is wide-spread, every Christian is not on the Internet and many Christians, especially women believe that using services, such as those listed above is too forward.