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Free Texting Dating Site
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Looking to get entangled in that relationship of your dreams? Then the best place to start is a dating chat room. Dating chat rooms will keep you in close contact with your potential partner, and there’s so much freedom attached to the platform.

The Main Features of Our Chat


No-boundary chat:


Some chat rooms have certain restrictions on the people you can interact with based on their location. You can use these chat rooms in a specific area, and the members of the room will be rather small.

With such a feature in a dating chat room, it becomes rather tricky to get to know more about your dating pals.

Even if you can establish contact with someone in a restricted chat room, you’re inevitably going to need something more. If you need a better dating chat room, don’t despair!

Our dating chat room service offers global connections to wherever you may please. You may be in Hawaii and choose to have a dating chat with a person in Hong Kong. Fascinating, right?! With this, you have access to make the best connections, and enjoy your chats to the fullest.

Friends listing:

In some dating chat rooms, members find it hard to get all their contacts in one place. So if you lose your device with old chats, it may be challenging to get in touch with your pals again. If you’ve had such trouble or need your contacts secure, then there’s no better place to be right now!

Our chat system makes it easier for you to save friends on a list. With this feature, it’s so easy to get in touch and keep your contact list even if you lose your device.


Ever heard of chat rooms having a wall? Well, if you haven’t, then you can count this as your first time.

On our platform, dating chat users have access to share information with other members of the room. The wall feature allows picture uploads, comments, status updates, and so much more.

All these features make sure you have the best when looking for a dating partner.

Classic and Modern version available:

Our chat rooms come in two versions – classic and modern to provide variety and spice up your chatting experience. These versions make it easier to keep in contact with your pals in whatever scheme you desire.


If you think paying to chat is wrong, then you’re not alone. We all have an undying urge to communicate, and it’s awkward to fork out cash to pay for just talking.

Our dating chat room is free, and you get access to everyone without paying a farthing!

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Registration not compulsory:

There’s no need to register on our platform to get chatting. All you need to do is get on our site, get the desired dating pal to hook up with, and start chatting.

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On the flip side, you can only use some features when you’re a full member.

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Chat Rules and Regulations

  • All potential members must be 17 years old to access the chat group. Underage persons who wish to get on a chat room should use our general chat room service instead.
  • It is prohibited to share personal information such as e-mail addresses or social media IDs. If you share such information and get spammed or hacked, we reserve the right to shut down your account or refuse offering help.
  • Do not open more than one account on the chat room. If you’re guilty of trying to monopolize the chat room with your accounts, you’ll be banned permanently.
  • Bullies aren’t allowed in our dating chat room. If you’re found guilty of bullying other members, the admin of your chat room should remove you from the room.
  • Hackers aren’t allowed on this platform. If you’re a hacker/spammer, a permanent ban is what your account will receive.
  • As a member of this platform, you’re under the moral obligation to report any suspicious activity (bullies, hackers, spammers) to the support. You can also contact the room moderator if you discover any anti-chat room activity.
  • Registration isn’t compulsory in the free dating chat room. However, if you want to access special features such as the wall or friends list, then you need to register your account to get a username and password. (Note: no sensitive information is required for your registration.)