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Why Funky Fish?

Are you considering becoming a member? Don’t wait any longer! FF is a popular, fun and international Christian dating site and community with a large amount of Christian singles. Tens of thousands of Christian men and women between the ages of 18 and 75 have already signed up! And thousands of Christians have found their partner here or valuable ​​new friendships.
Whether you want to pay for FF is entirely up to you and FF costs only a fraction of what other Christian singles sites costs. Registration is free and without any obligation. Even most basic functionality and email can be used for free!
This site has been in existence since 2002 and the team behind FF has over more than 15 years of experience. We’re friendly, competent and reliable, so you're in good hands with us!
Are you a Christian? Romantic, sociable and looking for a relationship? Then why not mingle with all the other registered Christian singles on FF? If you’re looking for Christian friends, fun, or people to talk too about your faith than you’ll feel right at home here. FF has a large, friendly community.

What is Funky Fish?

FF is a popular Christian dating site and community run by a small company of the same name. FF offers Christians an online platform to connect with each other, to network, and to enjoy each other's company. FF has an ecumenical basis and brings evangelical Christians, Catholics and Protestants of all denominations together through this platform.
You can create a profile for free and immediately start mailing and chatting. As a member you can join various interest groups and chat about the groups subject or participate in the various events that are organized by the group members. FF also regularly organizes several fun trips, event and parties.
FF is much more than a regular singles dating site. Why not find out for yourself? Sign up, dive in and discover all the possibilities.


In 2002 the founder of this dating community got a call from God to start an online community. An online platform where Christians from around the world can meet each other, start relationships and make friends. And from there start sharing the Christian faith and work together towards a better world.
The people behind FF serve from Jesus' words: 'Love God above all and Love Your Neighbor as yourself'
FF is not connected to a specific church movement and can be labeled as ecumenical. We strive for mutual cooperation, unity and understanding among the various Christian protestant and evangelical denominations and Catholic parishes.
After almost 20 years, we can say with certainty that God blesses FF. Many people have made ​​new friends and newfound faith here. And thousands of singles have met their partner on this website!