
Divorced Christian Dating Sites

However, 45-50% of first marriages end in divorce. 24% of all singles have been divorced and those divorced from their first marriage have a median age of 30. This means that there will be many single adults who have been married in our communities that need a place to connect. We at Table for One Ministries do not believe in separating. Just Divorced Singles dating, is the perfect way for divorcess to meet each other and form meaningful and supportive relationships! Browse for potential friends and partners from the comfort of your sofa, without wondering if the people you are talking to will understand your previous or current situation – get to know other divorced singles. Christian Divorced Singles. Look through the listings of Member users here at Christian Singles that are associated with Divorced. Talking to others who have like minded interests is an ideal way to find things to do once you are dating. Create a Totally Free Profile to Find your perfect match! DivorcedChristianSingles.net is an online dating & personal service that caters to “PRO MARRIAGE MINDED CHRISTIAN SINGLES”. If you are intending to date with full intention to get married, this is the site that you belong. If not, this site is not for you. We cater to all races, men, and women who are looking for love leading to marriage. Dating sites beckoned me with hope-filled slogans like these from eHarmony and Christian Mingle. As clouds of doubt about remarriage after divorce rolled away, I pondered a new question: As a Christian, is the internet an appropriate venue for seeking a mate?

DivorcedChristianSingles.net is an online dating & personal service that caters to “PRO MARRIAGE MINDED CHRISTIAN SINGLES”. If you are intending to date with full intention to get married, this is the site that you belong. If not, this site is not for you. We cater to all races, men, and women who are looking for love leading to marriage. It is our goal to provide marriage minded Christian singles with a safe environment in which to meet, get to know each other, and fall in love. We want you to find your life‘s soulmate for the purpose of marriage. If you are a Christian or just became a Christian, we welcome you to this site.


This site is dedicated to 'Marriage Minded Christian Singles' where the primary reason to date is to find your soulmate. Dating with the intention to get married is the essential part of this web site. This site is not for casual dating or friendship.

DivorcedChristianSingles.net is one of the pioneers of online dating. We started to operate in the year 1997 under ChristianSingles.Com

For the last few years, we have redirected our efforts to build a much better website. Tailored for the sole purpose of matching singles with the intent to get married. We welcome singles from all walks of life and any religion to find their soulmate and date with the full understanding of 'sex after marriage, and not before.'

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This site is only for 'marriage-minded singles.' It is not our desire to create a platform for singles to have a one night stand, a casual, or a non-committal relationship.

Our motivation is to connect singles with others. Singles with the same dating goal – finding a spouse. Ever since we created our first dating site, we strived to provide a dating service for marriage minded individuals.

We believe that faith along with destiny is the cornerstone of a lasting relationship. Only faith provides a strong foundation for an unbreakable bond.

We do most of the qualifying for our members through our application process with 125 questions. Serious questions that you would ask your date are embedded in the application to weed out uncommitted individuals.

We have a thorough approval method to ensure a harmonized community of singles who date to marry.

DivorcedChristianSingles.net is part of a global network consisting of websites that provide singles around the world with access to many resources for improving their social and personal life, including sites for international dating. Members interested in local dating can search by states, denominations, and other criteria.

This site is for people who want a secure relationship that blossoms into a loving marriage. We believe in dating with an intent to get married and trusting in God’s plan. Join today and find the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with.

Fall in love for all the right reasons. Find God’s match for you. Dating sites beckoned me with hope-filled slogans like these from eHarmony and Christian Mingle. As clouds of doubt about remarriage after divorce rolled away, I pondered a new question: As a Christian, is the internet an appropriate venue for seeking a mate? Would it be forcing things, a sort of manipulation or control by my own will and desires? After all, if it’s God’s will for me to have a new husband, He could easily plop one on my doorstep, right? Where could I possibly meet this man, or, how could this elusive godly man find me?

Divorced christian dating sites

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. Proverbs 18:22

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I thought it would be nothing short of a miracle to remarry. Dating (hate that concept- perhaps another blog post) and falling in love (I hate that phrase, too) is for the young. Mid-life dating is hard. God intended mating for youth. He designed it that way. Young people are at their physical peak with sharp minds, boundless energy and hormones flowing. Cruising profiles when you’re over forty and beyond is quite a gamble. You are bidding on a used, worn, scarred wretch. There’s a paunch you didn’t participate in. Gray hair that happened without your assistance. A history you did not share. What can possibly spark a relationship?


Never mind physical attributes. I wanted a man after God’s own heart – a tall order. I dabbled in various sites for several years while hope waned.

This is just a sampling of “Christian” dating sites I tried.

  • eHarmony– The ultimate psychobabble dating site! There were tests to take and personality analyses. How could this go wrong? I just loved the Must Haves and Must Have Nots. Yet my matches on here proved to be So Wrong and Do Not Want.
  • Christian Cafe – Pour me a latte! This site sounded so inviting. I had dozens of conversations here while having a cuppa joe or maybe some vino. Unfortunately, this is mainly an Arminian Cafe. I’ll take it further and say it’s a Charismatic Cafe. I wanted a date, not a debate.
  • Christian Mingle – Here, I was mingling under a very large Christian umbrella. Okay, there were a few nice men. But beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. After a phone conversation, I knew one man was definitely not for me. He gave subtle hints of being unsaved. When he wanted to meet in person, I wrote him a nice email explaining that I didn’t feel we were a good match. He wrote me back and said he didn’t bleep need me because he went out with a bleep bleep younger woman last night and had great bleep so much that he bleep bleep couldn’t care less about me and then he insulted my physical attributes. Honestly, I was terrorized. So much for mingling with Christians in name only.

Divorced Christian Dating Sites Reviews

The witless discussion about soul mates common to these dating sites was pure silliness. Marriage between two believers makes them soul mates. William Gouge, in A Holy Vision for a Happy Marriage (part of the Building a Godly Home series) states that husbands and wives have a mutual duty: to seek the good of one another’s soul and help “forward the growth of grace in each other”. God creates soul mates when we enter into a covenant marriage with Him.

Free Divorced Dating Sites

Furthermore, egalitarianism was blatantly evident in these dating sites. Both male and female are equal in God’s sight, but they have very different roles. Bible believing Christians should remember God created woman for man. She is designed to be his helpmeet. As I studied marriage the way God intended, I prayed in a different way. My prayers gradually morphed from selfish whining to asking if there was a godly man who needed me. Then I discovered a Reformed Christian dating site. It wasn’t long after, my prayer was answered. Continue reading