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Starting today, you'll notice that there's a padlock next to the domain name in the address bar. This is because we've just implemented secure browsing.

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Make the date or wait?
June 21, 2016

For some time now it has always been the men's job to make the date. They are the ones to make the first approach in a bar, or to ask for a lady's number, but surely this is a relic of the past?


Which Dating Site Is Completely Free

Research has shown that on average, men don't...more
Happy new year
January 20, 2014
Congrats all, you've safely made it into 2014! I love starting a new year. For some reason, it really feels like you can turn your mind off to all the undesirables in the previous year, and start afresh with everything good!
I've done the same with this website....
Farewell Madiba
December 12, 2013
We all knew this day would come, Madiba lived a great life which should be celebrated. Personally I was surprised by the amount of emotion in the South Africans, myself included. I can just offer my thanks for having been alive and living in South Africa to share in part...more